jeanne Magazu

jeanne magazu

Jeanne is a lifelong health and fitness enthusiast who originally sought out yoga to compensate for the toll that years of strenuous physical activity had taken on her body. She immediately loved the de-toxifying aspect of the practice and over time she began to understand the transformation that was taking place within her. Through her yoga practice she discovered how tense and out of balance her body and her life had become. Yoga practice awakened the dormant spirit within her and she is now practicing yoga in all aspects of her life.

"Yoga provided me with so much more than I was looking for. Yoga has become my vehicle of choice as I navigate my way thru the ups and downs of life. When I'm struggling with pain, resistance or difficult decisions I step onto my mat to seek comfort and clarity. In times of happiness and joy my mat is where I can express the freedom and lightness I feel in my heart."