Feature Teacher Spotlight: Hayley Haberman


Congratulations to Hayley Haberman who recently graduated 300-Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training and has now completed over  5oo hours of Yoga Teacher Training!

Learn more about Hayley:

Where are you from and when did you start practicing yoga?

I grew up in Toronto in the 70's and 80's. My grandmother and mother both practiced yoga.  As an adult, I tried the odd yoga class at gyms or studios; and although I liked the way I felt during and post practice, I never stuck with it regularly.  

After my second child was born, I was exhausted, stressed out, and stuck in some unhealthy patterns.  Nothing I normally did was working to get me out of my slump and the quick fixes I tried proved frustrating. In desperation, with my mother and grandmother in mind, I turned to yoga.  

I blocked out time and committed to developing a practice even though I had no idea what the outcome would be.  I started going to classes, reading about yoga, and practicing at home.  Yoga helped me to detach from my frazzled state, and connect with underlying calm. 

 After some time, the spaciousness I uncovered on my mat was accessible to me in other parts of my life.  Now, when life gets frantic or I get sad, I use my practice to find peace, clarity and gratitude.


When did you start teaching yoga
and where did you train?

When I signed up for my first teacher training in 2011 at Empower with Gregor Singleton and Claire Este MacDonald, my intent was to deepen my practice, not to teach.  I've experienced bouts of anxiety in my life, and at the time, I was going through a period of social anxiety.  I couldn't imagine being able to speak to a group of adults in public let alone lead a yoga class.  

As the training got underway, I fell into my usual groove of wanting to hide in the back and observe, instead of fully participating and risk showing my real, imperfect self.  Eventually though, my facade became impossible to maintain because so many parts of that 80-hour training required me to put myself "out there" and be vulnerable. I hated it....and it was so good for me.  

Halfway through, I realized that teaching yoga might be a way to face the fear that was holding me back and making me feel constricted.  I started by teaching some beginners who I recruited, and later I taught community classes.  Forcing myself to confront my aversion to public speaking was difficult and I often felt awkward and nervous.  Yet there was something liberating about showing up week after week and taking center stage without pretending to have it all figured out.  

In time, I felt more at ease, and even confident; and teaching became fun. I will always be introverted by nature, and I certainly don't have everything all figured out; but I no longer feel the need to hide.

I have been blessed to have exceptionally knowledgeable, intelligent, inspiring and encouraging teachers throughout my yoga journey.  In May of 2013, I completed a 200-hour training with Elizabeth Huntsman DeAngelis and Tricia Philpott at Empower.  

I just completed a 300-hour teacher training with Natasha Rizopoulos at The Down Under School of Yoga in December 2017.  I consider my peers to be my teachers too.  I work with smart and generous yoga instructors who l learn tons of new things from all of the time.  I'm so grateful for our supportive yoga community.

Where and with whom do you live?  Are there any other interesting facts about you?

I live in beautiful Rockport, by the ocean, with my two middle school aged sons and our silly rescue dog.  I feel fortunate to be able to spend time outdoors in nature every day.  Before moving to the North Shore, I lived in Tucson, Arizona.  I loved the desert climate and surreal landscape.  I have a Masters degree in elementary education from Syracuse University and before having children, I was a schoolteacher for about 10 years.


Is there a quote that resonates with you?

Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees. - B.K.S. Iyegar


When/Where do you teach?

I teach at Empower:

Tuesdays at 12 pm Power Hour

Wednesdays at 12 pm Power Hour

Thursdays at 12 pm Power Hour

Fridays at 11 am Power Yoga (75 minutes)

I will be doing two special classes at Empower in March:

Saturday, March 3

Back to Basics Workshop: A slower paced vinyasa class in a warm room, where we will focus on alignment and modifications in all poses and transitions (including Chatturanga). 

 Appropriate for all students who occasionally find themselves wondering if they're "doing it right".

Saturday, March 24

Inversion workshop: Inversions are a playful and safe way to conquer fear, and they also have powerful therapeutic applications. In this workshop, we will do a short warm up then some simple and accessible prep poses building towards handstand, forearm balance and headstand variations.  Appropriate for all levels.

Join me :)


February Special! $139/month Studio Hopper Membership


February Studio Hopper Membership Special!


Buy Now


Enjoy unlimited classes at the BEST yoga studios

 on the North Shore!

Sister Studios:

 Empower Yoga Beverly

 Solstice Power Yoga Lynnfield


Membership Includes:

  • Unlimited Access to all regularly scheduled classes at both studios

  • (over 70 classes per week to choose from)

  • 10% off all Workshops & Special Classes

  • 10% off Apparel

$139/month Studio Hopper Membership

 3 month-minimum

Monthly Membership - $139 for unlimited yoga at Empower Yoga & Solstice Power yoga with 3 month commitment.  Membership renews on the same date each month thereafter until canceled. 



Already have Empower Membership or 

Studio-Hopper Membership?  


 You can enjoy unlimited access to both studios for 

 only $139 too!


Because we LOVE you!



Super Soul/Super Bowl Sunday: Meditation & Mindfulness 101

Meditation & Mindfulness 101
Sunday, February 4th
1:00 - 3:00 pm
$30 ($35 at door)


Join Susan on Superbowl Sunday (well before the game) to learn the basics of Meditation and Mindfulness

Tom Brady, practices Meditation and Mindfulness
Come learn why these basic practices can change your Life!

It's no secret that Tom Brady (a.k.a. GOAT) practices yoga & meditation.  Maybe he's on to something!

Here is an excerpt from Feelguide.com that explains a big part of Tom Brady's key to success:

Tom Brady's health regimen would not be complete without a healthy dose of ancient Eastern wisdom. He is a hardcore lover of yoga, which he gives credit for miraculous mental and physical benefits. "It's great for flexibility, it's therapeutic, and great for your attitude," he tells TheSportster.com

In Bloomberg's Lighting Round With Tom Brady questionnaire, Brady tells anchor Stephanie Ruhle how much he loves transcendental meditation. Just like his revolutionary workout regime, Brady's meditation practice also came from the suggestion of Guerrero. "Our method relates to being physically fit, emotionally stable and spiritually nourished," Guerrero tells Bishop. "Emotional stability allows you to have spiritual awareness. I always tell him and Gisele they're the most spiritual nonreligious people I know."


You have to admit it — Tom Brady is one of the greatest athletes of all time. It doesn’t matter if you’re a New England Patriots fan or not. To pull off a historic win in the Super Bowl after an enormous deficit is the latest testament to an athlete who continues to perform at the top of his game even as he approaches his 40th birthday.

What is the combination of qualities that creates a top athlete? And what can we learn from that to perform in our own lives?

Of course a professional athlete must be in incredible physical condition to excel at their sport. But to be a champion, you need something more. It comes down to our foundational building blocks of mind, body and spirit and training in all of these areas to perform at the top of our games.

Tom Brady recently cited a book called The Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Side to the Mental Guide of Peak Performance, by W. Timothy Gallwey. He shared this pencil-lined passage on his Instagram account:

Perhaps this is why it is said that great poetry is born in silence. Great music and art are said to arise from the quiet depths of the unconscious, and true expressions of love are said to come from a source which lies beneath words and thoughts. So it is with the greatest efforts in sports; they come when the mind is as still as a glass lake.

Brady cited the Patriots’ “mental toughness” after the Super Bowl and in his MVP speech when speaking about their win.

Mental toughness has two main components: mindful focus, and a believing spirit.

  • Mindful focus is the glass lake.
  • The believing spirit is the fire burning beneath the lake.

Mindful focus is a calm state of mind that can experience unaltered reality — meaning seeing what is presented to the eyes, hearing all sounds, sensing all touch. In this state, anxiety, doubt, fear, anticipation, analysis, have no place. Some athletes also call this being in “the zone”.

In yoga, meditation is used as the tool to train the mind to be still so the mind can serve us. The undisciplined mind creates useless chatter, castes automatic judgments, projects our emotions onto our experiences, anticipates outcomes, and sows worry and anxiety. The Yoga Sutras site “one-pointedness of the mind” as the solution to the run-away mind that creates distractions and obstacles for us.

If Tom Brady had an undisciplined mind, he would have never gotten past the fact that he was down nearly 20 points at halftime! He may have started doubting himself, feared failure, or been distracted with all that was needed to be done to win. Mental toughness means one-pointedness of mind — to be in the moment and play in the moment. No past, no future, only now. One play after another.

A focused mind is essential and with the fire of spirit focusing action, we have a winning combination. Believing spirit is the second element that’s key here.

One of the Yoga Sutras says to deal with obstacles and their consequences “the recommendation is to make the mind one-pointed, training it how to focus on a single principle or object.

Learn How to Train your mind for peace, focus and greatness through
Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation 101


Meditation 101



Practiced for thousands of years, meditation is a tool for rediscovering the body’s own inner intelligence. Primordial Sound Meditation uses individually selected sounds of nature called mantras, to disconnect us from the activity of life. These primordial sounds are based on the vibration the universe was creating at the moment of your birth. Practicing Primordial Sound Meditation on a daily basis will help you:

•  Manage stress & reduce anxiety

•  Improve your relationships

•  Create inner peace

•  Enhance your sleep patterns

•  Lower your blood pressure

•  Connect more deeply to spirit


   This introductory course will help you to explore the basics of meditation.  It will simplify the process and prepare you to receive your own personal mantra at a later date if you choose to


Sunday, February 4

1:00 – 3:00 pm

$30 Advance Sign-UP

$35 drop-in


Yoga 101 with Susan


Back to Basics

Yoga foundations: Not just for Beginners!

Practicing Power Yoga with attention to form and alignment doesn't have to be boring or tedious!  When you learn to flow from the core the practice becomes more centered and mindful.   With alignment you can tone your nervous system to attain maximum benefit of this mind, body, spirit practice that we simply call "yoga".

Whether you are new to yoga, working with an injury, looking to prevent one, want to take your practice to the next level, or simply want to revisit yoga basics, this workshop is for you.

With personal instruction and hands-on gentle assists, you will learn how to build strength in a pose with effort and ease.  The 2 hour workshop teaches basic yoga anatomy which provides stability for fluidity and flow.

Sunday, January 28th

1:00 - 3:00 pm

$30 in-advance ($35 at door)


Susan has been teaching yoga for 17 years and has studied Iyengar, Ashtanga, and many variations of Power/Vinyasa flow with many of the great yoga masters.  She teaches with kindness and compassion, and encourages students to move beyond self-imposed limitations.

Open UP! Hips & Shoulders workshop with Jeanne & Lesley


Hips & Shoulders with Jeanne and Lesley

Saturday, January 13th

2:00 - 4:00 pm

Join Jeanne and Lesley for an interactive workshop. We will use different modalities to create a new approach to familiar poses. There will be an emphasis on hips and shoulders but we will not neglect twists, forward folds or backbends.
Come join us with an open and curious mind for a playful event.
The room will be heated.

$30 in-advance ($35 drop-in)


Feature Teacher Spotlight: Jeanne Magazu

Feature Teacher Spotlight:

Jeanne Magazu


Tell us about yourself and what brought you to the

North Shore.


I am passionate about yoga, food, travel and cycling; especially when all are combined!  Like most people these days I have had several "careers" and am fortunate enough to have loved them all.  Most recently I've been teaching yoga full time since 2005.


Since my youth I loved visiting the North Shore from Concord because of its beautiful beaches. After college, it was work that brought me to the North Shore. I earned a degree in Environmental Science with a minor in Geology working first as a chemist and then as an Aquatic Biologist for many years. After that I was a fitness coach at a local private gym, studied nutrition at IIN in New York City,  coached clients in healthy lifestyle choices and eventually worked loading trucks at UPS.  Then yoga happened to me.......


What/who brought you to yoga?


I have always led an active lifestyle and enjoyed being outdoors. I still seek new options to stay healthy and fit. I started yoga in 2001 out of curiosity and the desire to bring more balance into my life. 

 I didn't realize it then, but the timing was perfect.

Why did you want to become a yoga teacher?


This is a tough question because honestly I never wanted to become a teacher. I was way too introverted and self-conscious. I found my "niche" in assisting classes. It felt very safe for me since I was a certified strength and conditioning coach and had a working knowledge of human anatomy.  As an assistant, not have a "speaking" part in the class was another plus.


Why do you teach now?


Eventually as I gained confidence and lost income (due to career changes) it was clearly time to step out of my comfort zone and teach the practice that I love.  Now I teach because it brings me joy, satiates my desire to help others and allows me to be part of an inspiring, supportive community of fellow students and teachers of yoga.



What are some things you grateful for?

(little things/big thing....anything)


I am forever grateful for my Baptiste Power Yoga community. The Baptiste Power Yoga Institute is where I received the bulk of my training, certifications, coaching, apprenticing and support. 

I am appreciative of many things. Not the least of which include a home with a roof that doesn't leak and floors not made of dirt, clean water, abundant healthy food and the best companion anyone could hope for.  I am well aware of and thankful for the privileges provided to me by the circumstances of my life.  

I am most grateful for my good health and that of my loved ones. 


What brings you joy? What brings you peace?


So many things bring me joy and peace now. I am more grateful than ever because of the lessons and self realization of my yoga practice. Yoga, biking, travel, the warmth of the sun, the ocean, the mountains all bring me tremendous joy and peace. 

I love to learn new things. Currently I am excited to learn more about Katonah Style Yoga from my teachers in New York. I'm also taking an on-line Experiential Anatomy course with Judith Lasater and  seeking certification to teach Yin Yoga thru Josh Summers.


Fun Facts about you


 I used to be an avid rock climber but that was before yoga, when I was always scared. I think I would be much better at it now. Despite the fear I have climbed in many places including The Dolomites, Yosemite, Devil's Tower, The Needles, Joshua Tree, Red Rock Canyon in Nevada and El Dorado Canyon in Colorado.  Closer to home I've climbed at Cathedral and White Horse Ledges in NH and the Shawangunks in NY.  I've hiked up most of the 4000 footers in the White Mountains in summer as well as winter. I have also summited Mount Rainer in Washington and Mt Sneffels in Colorado, both 14,000 foot mountains. I rode my bike up Mt. Washington twice for fun. I played trumpet in my high school's marching band.   I love cookies and Ice Cream.  


What /Who inspires you??


My Dad inspires me in that he has always been a quiet, kind and gentle man. He is a quiet un-assuming leader by nature; a man who lives his life as an example of kindness and generosity.

I find inspiration daily in others; from the strength and grace of people who are suffering as well as from those who are unabashadly joyful.


Please share a quote or message that inspires you


"Be the change you want to see in the world."  Mahatma Gandhi


When/Where do you teach?


At Empower:

Mondays at 4 pm

Fridays at 9 am & 4 pm

Sundays at 7 am


At Solstice:

Tuesdays at 4:30 pm

Thursdays at 4:30 pm

Sundays at 4:30 pm


I am leading a Winter Cleanse at Empower starting Tuesday January 9th


I am also doing a Hips & Shoulders Special Class at Empower with Lesley Rice on Saturday, Jan. 13th


ALL CLASSES CANCELLED on Thursday, January 4th 


ALL CLASSES CANCELLED on Thursday, January 4th 



5:30 am Power Hour is Cancelled

8 am Core Focus is Cancelled

9 am Power Yoga is Cancelled

12 pm Power Hour is Cancelled

3 pm Community Yoga is Cancelled

6 pm Power Hour + Optional restore is Cancelled



New Year New Habits: Winter Cleanse


New Year New Habits

Make this the year you clean up your relationship with food.
Join Jeanne Magazu Holistic Health Counselor for a winter appropriate whole foods cleanse. This will be a modified winter friendly version of the spring and fall cleanse. It is designed to keep you in balance while you clean up your diet. Eat simple whole foods to ease digestion, balance emotions, increase energy, vitality and mental clarity.

Stronger Together

Let’s Lift Each Other Up by Holding Each Other Accountable

Join the Lunch Bunch Tuesdays 1:30 at Empower

January 9th
January 16th
January 23rd

Cost $75

January Yoga Challenge


Who is Ready for a New Challenge??

January 4 x 4 Yoga Challenge 


Let's Create Good Habits for 2018 that are attainable, sustainable, balanced and in Moderation!


4 x 4 Challenge 

4 classes per week (1 class per day)

4 weeks in a row



 Chart Your Progress on Social Media by Posting Pics/Selfies

Tag/Check-In at Empower Yoga and/or Solstice Power Yoga

At least 2 times a week


That's it! 


Everyone who completes the Challenge Earns a 

Empower/Solstice Yoga Towel





One Month Unlimited Studio-Hopper Membership!

Which includes Unlimited Access to both 

Solstice Power Yoga & Empower Yoga Studio
(Over 70 classes per week)


Kick off 2018 Feeling Healthy, Strong & Balanced

Check-In on Social Media with Photos, Selfies, etc

Tag Empower Yoga and Solstice Power Yoga

And use any of the following hashtags:
